Saturday, January 15, 2011


Like Magritte said:
"This is not a pug dressed like a chicken…"


  1. ha ha that's fantastic! zo-zo espionage: enemy chicken infiltration activated.

  2. Nice one Brice! I love the lighting on the pugs face and color! Terrific!

  3. Thanks everyone, I'm glad y'all liked that one :)
    that was a drawing of our pug, Zoe (or zo-zo as Lyndon pointed out) and there's no doubt it's her because her tongue ALWAYS hangs out and to the left…

    But it would be unfair to not do a caricature of her sister, so next one of these I do will be of Una, our basset hound!

  4. thank you so much, the picture made me smile because pug and chicken are special to me.. my best friend just died and i call him pug and he calls me chicken


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