Monday, April 11, 2011

New pages/tab

Is everyone having a good monday?
…how about you, Garfield?

Well that says it all!

Anyway, I digress. For your convenience (and mine) I've added a portfolio/gallery page which you might already have noticed at the top of the blog, on the nav bar… "Older kids", see it?

This one collects illustrations intended for an older audience than the "Children's illustrations" page.

now, carry on...

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm finally riding the crest of the production wave, it's been rough getting there and there have been a few of those "Crap. I'm drowning!" moments along the way… but it's good.
Being busy is good.
Anyhoo, nothing I can divulge about my current jobs but here's a little something I've been putting together for a while now…

No, no, not just this panel. Rather, my webcomic, and this is what you can expect! Except not in colour, that's just crazy… All those guys out there doing their stuff in colour: kudos, good job! Me? Not so much…

So, stay tuned :)

Thanks for visiting!

Thanks for visiting!